Sunday, December 30, 2018

July 2018

The ups, the downs and inbetweens of month 7 of 12!

3rd - Well, today was exam day! All I can say is thank goodness I went in with a subject pass as I sure as heck know that today’s grade won't be anywhere near even what I consider "good". Gotta be honest, it sucks as ofcourse I wanted the HD, D or even the C...BUT I am going to have to settle for "good enough" and get used to the P (4). Despite a myriad of reasons as to why I struggled with study this semester bottom line is that it just wasn't a priority and my grades reflect that. Anyway, results not released until the 20th of this month so time to let it go, rest, reset and refocus on kicking butt next semester!  SO…it turns out that I did actually get a Distinction!

4th – Mr. 13 made me a cuppa for the very first time today BUT didn’t boil the kettle in case he burnt himself and only added the teabag for half a second. Drink it down and smile Mumma bear, drink it down.

July 5th - Up at 5am, at car depot by 6am, on the plane at 7.30am. Tassie here we come!  Up up and away!

Day 1 - Hung out  at Mum and Dads exploring their yard. Very thankful for the huge woodpile – its bloody freezing!

6th – 7th – Day 2/3 - Dark and cold outside so relaxation mode well and truly set in.

8th - Day 4 - While the rest of the family went off to church and then out to visit friends, I spent the day in bed unwell.

9th - Day 5 - While I spent the day in bed my sweet man went into town with his Mum and the boys hung out at home.

10th - Day 6 - A quick trip into town to the docs and chemist with Mum and then back home to rest.

11th - Day 7 - While the girls spent the day lazing around at home watching movies, the boys went off digging for hidden treasures.

12th - Day 8th - After a freezing cold night we woke to so many beautiful sights and the boys had fun smashing ice. I spent the day rugged up in a blanket resting.

13th - Day 9 - While Mum and I made the long journey into the Launceston Hospital for the day, the boys went on a fishing trip to Scamander.

14th - Day 10 - Lazy day at home in front of the fire.

15th - Day 11 - Church followed by a lunch gathering. Whilst I don't believe that attending church makes you any more Christian than sitting in a garage makes someone a car, it was a lovely experience. I love listening to my husband read scripture and talk about his faith - four years of Bible College has certainly impacted his life and I feel a strong desire to embrace and support that side of him more. What I love most is that despite our differences of belief which often result in debate like conversations, our love still grows strong. 

16th - Day 12 - We didn't do much today other than enjoy each others company.

17th - Day 13 – HOME!  Its a bittersweet feeling to be home. Despite me being unwell for most of it (Docs tomorrow) we all really enjoyed our time away. Whilst we didn't get out and about much, our time with Mum and Dad (Nana and Grandad & ofcourse Livi the pooch) was very precious. We are so very blessed to have a home away from home and especially to have a wonderful home to return to.

18th - After attending my doctors appointment, having an emergency chest xray and emptying the chemist of umteen pharmalogical products in order to help with a severe respiratory infection which the doctor suspects to be pneumonia...I have spent my day in bed. I am so blessed to have netflix and am halfway through season 2 of Anne with and E - oh gosh it brings back many memories - I would love to watch the original again though.  Anyway only a quick update...may you all have a restful night.  P.S.  On top of all this now Mark is under the weather too OMG …SCARY SHIT!

24th – Jazz has a dislocated finger, which is a possible break…xray tomorrow – bloody scooters!  Of course it goes without saying that we are ultra grateful for it only being a finger *phew*. So with that now being 3 out of the 4 of us needing medical intervention of one sort or another this week, if you see Ace wrapped in cotton wool and bubble wrap you will understand why LOL!

28th - In honour of our glorious full moon on this magical night. May the light that shines within be focused upon our dreams and not our fears, shedding the veils, dispersing the shadows and manifesting a reality that sees us rise and glow in your wonder.

Todays Gratitude focus is upon the blessing of friendships; knowing that despite each of us navigating our own storms, we are still there for each other shining our lights and holding each other up even from a distance. Pretty darn spesh I think and I love yas all.

"Sometimes one must physically lose sight to know that they can still see in the dark" - Natasha.

30th - Today we open the gateway and learn to navigate new territory, new terrain, new paths. Whilst fear of the unknown is admittedly a little daunting, there is also an element of excitement and hope that this gateway will provide a deep and enriching lifestyle change that will be most beneficial to our entire family. But ask the questions and learn the answers so that we may put it all into action and gain wisdom. Everything happens for a reason, whatever that may be....have faith that all will be revealed!

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