Sunday, December 30, 2018

November 2018

2nd - It was my beautiful Mummas birthday on Friday. It is my birthday wish for her that we get to celebrate many more, because as much as she can be a massive pain in my rear end (and I'm 110% sure she would say the same about me), I would be lost without her. Although we talk or text everyday, it is so easy to get caught up in our own world, but I hope I show her enough how important she is to me. A little bit of love goes a long long way and my love for her reaches beyond the moon.

7th - So the last MRI required me going back in today to have a MRI guided core biospy.  My final test of the day was a mammogram to check that the marker clips were in the right place. Just before the radiographer opened the MRI images she said to me "Oh, dont freak out with the pics, they look a bit like rabbit ears", I was like "ummm, okay". So, she opens the image and I couldn't help but LOL as sure enough she was right...flopsy and mopsy right there on the screen. Still makes me giggle. Back on the 20th to see the oncologist. Little sore and tired tonight but all in all feeling okay.

11th - We all stopped in silence for 1 minute at 11.00am today.  Lest we forget!

18th - Friday night and Saturday was spent doing our Christmas (& January birthdays) shopping which I am happy to say we are about 90% done. Then last night we caught up with Glenn and the boys and went down to the Strawberries & Cherries festival fireworks. Whilst the boys were off being hoons on the dodgems, Mark and I got our crazy dance on. Fireworks started mid-ride which added to the fun, and we even got to catch the tail end with our boys which was pretty spesh!

20th - Today I am heading in to the oncologist to get results of the biospy. Despite my mostly positive demeanor sometimes doubt creeps through the cracks. Today is one of those moments and I just can't find the words to begin to describe what is going on in this heart or head of mine. The only thing left to do, is surrender them to God and give gratitude for everything.

I am blessed that my beloved will be by my side enduring my crushing grip as I hold his hand.

I am blessed that my sister who is facing her own battle took time out to let me know she was thinking of me.

I am blessed that dear friends have messaged with words of love and support.

I am blessed that my Mum will be here to greet the boys after school.

And despite this feeling of uncertainty that lies before me today, I am blessed that I have the opportunity to take the steps needed be proactive in my own health journey.

If there is a strong link of cancer within your family be it genetic or not, I urge you to take the steps to do whatever tests are needed to ensure you have the upper hand!  PREVENTION is the KEY!

FANTASTIC NEWS! The lumps discovered in both my left and right breast have come back as BENIGN!  

Omgoodness spelling mistake oh my...oh well I'll get over it!

Good news however does not equal complacency...there is still much work ahead!  I will be having a prophylatic mascestomy!

27th - Tonight we finally made it back to our line dancing class and like the last time, absolutely LOVED it! The songs were a bit on the faster pace side tonight so a couple of times its fair to say we just made it up as we went along, giggling all the way. Certainly got a bit of a sweat up and got the ole heart racing, which is an added bonus! Looking forward to next week, although sadly its the last for the year SO hopefully youtube will have a few vids for us to dance along too over the break.

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