Sunday, June 10, 2012

12WBT Task 3, 4, 5, 6


Get geared up with some sports gear, a gym membership, personal training sessions, water bottle, fitness dvd's, a heart rate monitor and some basic gym equipment.

PRE-SEASON TASK 4 - Say It Out Loud

Saying it out loud and sharing it with friends and family makes you more accountable to make the commitment to yourself.  

I Natasha Hurst, commit 'out loud' to put in the hard work towards a fitter, stronger, healthier version of myself which in turn will provide me with a feeling of empowerment and allow me to proudly 'walk the talk'.

I am committed to achieving my goals with the use of healthy food and exercise and I promise myself that I will not slip into negative patterns of behaviour as they are only destructive.

I am committed to praising myself for even the smallest of victories and achievements as I have earnt it and they all add up to the grand prize.

I am committed to not allowing a figure on the scales determine whether it is a good or bad day but will continue on my journey with the same dedication and motivation regardless of the result.

I am committed to following a healthy nutrition plan consisting of 5 - 6 small meals per day and sticking as close to my 1200 calories as I can.

I am committed to not over endulging.

I am committed to allowing myself 1 free meal per week and will not feel guilty for doing so.

I am committed to forgiving myself for being human should I experience any slip ups along the way (no matter how big or small) and I agree that I will not allow them to trigger any self sabotage episodes (binge/emotional/comfort eating). Instead, I am committed to picking myself up, dusting off and getting straight back on the wagon.

I am committed to exercising for a minimum of 60 minutes (1 hour = 4% of my day), 6 days per week which includes a minimum of 2 PT sessions.

I am committed to allowing my body to have 1 day of rest.

I am committed to maintaining a food and exercise diary on a daily basis and to blogging my journey at least once per week as doing this makes me more accountable.

I am committed to making time to study so that I will finish my courses as this is an important step for my future.

I am committed to giving myself adequate rest and will ensure that I am in bed with lights out by 11pm on weeknights.

I am committed to hydrating my body by drinking at least 1 - 2 bottles of water per day.

I am committed to stepping out of my comfort zone and embracing change.

I am committed to accepting the limitations that my knee operation has produced and be kind to myself. Should I experience pain (in the joint) I will stop as it is not my friend and will only cause more damage and thus more recovery time.

I am committed to not allowing my excuses to stop me and will use my solutions to help me push past them.

I am committed to loving myself for who I am no matter what shape or size I am and I will look in the mirror everyday and say 'I love you Natasha Hurst, you are beautiful to me'.

I am committed to giving my all to this challenge from Day 1 to Day 84 and I will finish it and achieve the results that I desire.

As a reward for all of these commitments I will be the best version of myself possible which in turn will make be a better person all round and a great role model for my children.

PRE-SEASON TASK 5 - Kitchen Make Over

Clear your house of anything that is processed, not nutritious, high in sugar, high in fat and replace it with foods that are healthy, unprocessed, low sugar and low fat.

Nutrition makes up 80% of the equation (with exercise being the other 20%) and if there are no temptations in your fridge / pantry then you can't be tempted.  

This part was pretty easy for me as I had made the switch to low fat, low sugar and unprocessed alternatives a while ago and of late have stopped buying any chocolate or soft drink.  The one area in my pantry that wasn't so healthy was the kids snack box so I have stocked up on celery, carrots, dips, cheese, rice crackers and fruit and will take some extra time to prepare them a healthy lunch rather than taking the quick and easy option of processed pre-packaged snacks.  I will admit that I did allow them one treat and they chose roll ups.

PRE-SEASON TASK 6 - Organise and Diarise

Organisation and Planning is the key to success

  • Schedule your workout sessions
  • Plan your weekly menu in advance
  • Buy all ingredients in one shop once a week with only 1 top up shop if needed
  • Mark all RED FLAG events (anything that could disrupt your routine) so that you can plan around them
  • Set Mini Milestones - an action or event marking a significant change or stage in development.


  • Ftiness Test
  • Do a Body Pump Class

  • Fitness Test
  • Do an Acrofun PT session

  • Fitness Test
  • IF I have reached my goal I will attend the Finale Workout & Party in Perth

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