Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Start Week 4 12WBT

So today I decided it was time to get back on track and I am looking forward to a week of positivity, motivation, inspiration and dedication.

This was posted on Reach your best's facebook page this morning and I really loved it so thought I would share.

You can choose to make this week a great week! Here's 10 easy steps:

1. Smile (seriously, like all the time- to the point where people may question your mental health)

Cheesy enough for ya?

2. Stay positive (there is ALWAYS a upside to the downside. Look for it)

Out of limitation, comes creativity

3. Be grateful for all that you have (not disappointed for all that you want)

I have already achieved so much

5. Get outside (Yes it's cold but the sun will come out- chase it!)

I achieved this today =)

6. Take 5 minutes every day and just be still (don't roll your eyes you mama's out there. It can be done, find a way)

7. Eat to nuture your body this week (cut out the packaged crap and get back to basics. Your body will thank you by Friday)

I am happy to report that I am back on track and feeling much better for it.

8. Call a friend you haven't spoken to in forever (DO NOT TEXT THEM. Call them. Means more)

I called a family friend who sent Jazz a birthday card despite not seeing him in over 2 years. It really is the small gestures that mean the most.

9. Make a list of everything you want to achieve this week (and start ticking them off)

I managed to tick of 3 things from my list this week. Still got several more items to go but plans have been put in place to make them happen.

10. GET ACTIVE (30 minutes a day, that's all you need. Don't make excuses. Everyone has 24 hours a day. It's your choice what you do with them).

Today I didn't achieve this but I plan to do the Michelle Bridges DVD tomorrow.

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