Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Challenge - Day 7, Week 6

I have the GUILTS something bad right now - OMFG what the hell was I thinking?? 

Friday Night I had 2 Chocolate Crackles (320 calories), an Atkins Peanut Cluster Bar (110 calories) and a Small Bag of Potatoe Chips (127 calories).

Saturday Night I had 2 Chocolate Crackles (320 calories), a handful of Dixie Drumstick Snacks (59 calories) and a 125g of buttered popcorn (685 calories)!!  

Even though I didn't pig out today I skipped meals and didn't choose as wisely as I should have considering the past couple of days pigouts!  Which I think is just as bad.

Was it worth it?  NO! NO! NO!

Don't get me wrong I enjoyed the Popcorn lots because as we all know its my favourite!  As for the others they were just me eating because it was there.  Well the chocolate crackles were because Acey made them and was very excited!   

This feeling right now SUCKS.  All that is going around in my head is "What if the fat % on the scales go up", "What if the girls look at my Calorie King?".  I considered just writting the days off and not writing down and sharing my embarrasment but that would be lying to myself and as honesty is the best policy I just couldn't do it - besides if I did that how could I learn from it?

So anyway as bad as I am feeling right now I need to try to forgive myself and just get back on track.  These things are going to happen, but its how I handle and learn from that matters.

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