Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day 2, Week 3 - Aim to Change

Well I know I said I wasn't weighing in but I did and the stupid horrible things have gone up by 100grams which sucks BUT at the same time its 'bloat boat' time (LOL - Thanks for the new word Amy) and so I am just going to ignore what it says because after all its only a number and I know it will go down and that I am on the right track!  :oP there take that scales!

Today I decided (well more like my body decided) to take time out to REST!

Yesterday I did my very first Sh'Bam class which I loved and to make it even better I had the wonderful company of my precious friend and new Gym Buddy Kerri - YAY!  I do have to admitt that the knees gave me some trouble in a couple of the moves but I just scaled it back and made it lower intensity!  

So despite not really feeling like venturing out in the cold to go to Boxing I did and still pusehd myself to the limit even though I wasn't feeling 100%.  Yes stupid I know!  By the time I got home I was so exhausted and drained that I fainted - Hence, the reason why today is a rest day. 

Here's a note to myself  - what is it that you tell everyone else?  LISTEN TO YOUR BODY!!  Its a bit hypercritical if you don't take your own advise don't ya think? Huh?  Buck up girly!

Anway enough about that....

This weeks Challenge on the 'Aim Train' is to discuss our strategies on how we keep moving forward when our emotions, excess baggage and other self sabbotaging things try to stop us and I thought that I would share my answers...yes as always its an epic!

Control - For me the internal reflects the external (or is the external reflects the internal either way /either or) so I make sure that everything around me is in order (clean, declutter, to do lists).  "I am in the drivers seat of my life - NO backseat drivers allowed".

Distraction is also a biggie which is especially useful for combatting emotional eating (and helped me quit smoking).  This invloves anything that keeps me busy such as: 
*Playing my Guitar and singing at the top of my lungs - Also a great way to release built up emotions
*Blogging - Writing it down takes it out of my head so that I am clear to assess each 'worry' one at a time
*Drawing, Painting, Beading, Knitting - Anything that lets me 'express' myself
*Exercising - Especially Boxing and Sprinting as they allow me to feel free.

Visualisation is also another technique that I use alot eg. I watch each of my worries, fears, excess baggage dissolve and dissappear OR catch fire and turn to ashes OR I see them being wrapped in a cloak of positivity and transmute from a thing of 'ugliness to beauty'. The mind is so powerful!

Face the Emotion - I also acknowledge when I need to face my emotions and I allow myself to explore them and accept and experience them.  I believe that if we bottle things up for too long that it will turn to dis-ease.  They are a natural part of life and not to be ashamed of.  "I don't hide my pain to save my reputation" 

Scream - One of my favourite things to do when it all gets way too much to handle is going out into a big paddock and screaming my heart out.  I scream until tears stream down my face and then I scream some more until eventually there is nothing left and then I usually laugh!

Quotes/affirmations - These are incredibly powerful for me and everyday I find one quote that 'speaks' to me and I write it down and it becomes my focus for the day! I find that meditating on it really helps because I believe that if you can see it and believe it then you can achieve it!

Laughter is the best medicine - I used to run 'Laughter Circles' where a group of us would all get together and we would laugh....even if we didn't feel like it. We would stand in a circle, hold hands and I would come up with some kind of crazy laugh and when I was done I would squeeze the next persons hand and they would copy and so on and so on. At first it is really hard to let yourself go enough to do it as it really pushes you out of your comfort zone and lets face it if we are in a 'mood' sometimes smiling is hard enough let alone laughing. BUT it really and truly worked, by the end of each session the mood of everyone had lifted dramatically and the laughter was genuine.

I would love for you to try it....here are a coupld of exercises:

1.  Stand in front of the mirror and laugh, not at anything in particular, just simply LAUGH and continue to laugh until you are 'really' laughing!

2.  When you are with your family(or friends) choose a random time to laugh (make it a really wild and silly).  If they look at you wierd stop, wait a few seconds and then do it again.  9 out of 10 times they will end up joining in with you and you will all be 'really' laughing!

Oh maybe I should mention here that most of my family and friends think that I am CRAZY - in a good way ofcourse! I will admitt now that I was laughing as I wrote this Bahahahahahahaha! Bahahahahahaha!

Ok well that's all for now...time for me to go and do sweet nothing for a little while before school tonight - OMGosh I can't believe its my final class...that's another blog in itself!  ;o)

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