Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Popcorn - 0 V's Me - 2 Whoo Hoo!

So today was my special catch up day with Sharon and off to the movies we went.  The first thing that hit me as I walked up the stairs was the delicious smell of popcorn...BUT, my will power was strong and so it was only a small coke zero for me (big mistake as I need to pee half way through LOL).  Anyway as if that wasn't enough of a test my hubby decided to come and sit on the bed next to me tonight while he was eating -  yes you guessed it Buttered Popcorn....Arrrrhhhh.  So after repeating the phrase 'Nothing tastes as good as being skinny feels' over and over in my head and trying to block out the 'eat me' aromas wafting in my direction I finally just asked nicely if he could please go into another room as it was incredibly hard for me to resist and HE DID!  No arguments or remarks about me being silly he just up and went into the kitchen.  Talk about shocked, I expected to need to be able to give him this longwinded explanation which I was ready to give of course!  Anyway I just wanted to share because for those of you who don't know I LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! Buttered Popcorn it is my number one treat food and I can eat a Bucket of it on my own in one I have moved moutains today and am SO PROUD OF ME!!

So another thing that happened to me today was that I went into City Chic to look for a dress for my sisters engagement...anyway the sales girl came up to me and said (in a really nice suprised I was there in the first place kind of way),  "Excuse me hun' but I think you are too skinny to find anything in here".  At first I was like nah its all good but then a few more searches I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and thought hmmm ok I think shes right!

Random:  This morning I brought a stranger a coffee! She wanted to pay for her order with a credit card but they didn't have eftpos and there was no teller close by. She looked so disappointed so I decided to just buy it for her....she was so suprised and very appreciative. I made sure to let her know it was her turn to pay it forward of which she agreed to do, even though she was new to the idea. =)

Anyway I have a biggie tomorrow PT, Cycle, 2 x back to back Impact Sessions (which I love doing - what an awesome and rewarding job it is) and possibly another Gym Session later in the evening so I am going to try and get some sleep - Goodnight!!

OOOOHHHHH 1 more thing.....I weighed in today and it was 84.7 a loss of 1.6kg in 1 day, so I think my scales are well and truly stuffed - Stupid things.  I wonder what they will say tomorrow LOL!

Ooooh Ok another thing (last one I promise) - My Lapband was a prick tonight so dinner went in and came out again which means my calorie intake was only 800 and my exercise calories were 400.  Another thing I noticed tonight was that while I was teaching Yoga in some of the tummy postures my port was hurting like heck!  Something to keep an eye on.

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