Saturday, May 22, 2010

8 Week 'Biggest Winner' Challenge Begins!!

Monday is fast approaching and with it the start of the 8 Week 'Biggest Winner' Challenge and I am beginning to wonder exactly what I have gotten myself into and whether or not I have bitten off more than I can chew.  Not only does it involve an intense workout schedule (6 days per week - Resistance and Cardio), it also involves dramatically changing my diet which is the part that is making me the most nervous.  But, I signed up for it and that means I stick to my word and give it 110% because there's no point doing a half arsed job and besides that I have every faith in the fact that I will finally see the results that I have been looking for by doing this.

My Goals for the 8 Weeks:

To loose .5kg - 1kg per week.

For my Size 12 Jeans (pictured in before photo) to fit comfortably.

To be able to run 4km continuously in under 30minutes.

To get adequate rest (bed before midnight).

Follow Exercise and Nutrition Plans.

Hyrdrate my body by drinking 2Lt of Water per day.

Increase Skeletal Muscle % and Decrease Body Fat %

My Ultimate Goals:

To loose 10kg - 15kg.

Reach goal weight of 69kg - 74kg = Healthy BMI

To drop body fat percentage to between 21% - 33%

To be a comfortable Size 12

To drop Viceral Fat to 5 (currently 7)

To be fit and healthy enough to become a Personal Trainer

Note:  Weight, Measurements and Photo's were taken on Thursday 20th 2010.

I look forward to sharing this journey with you.  Thank you so much for your continuing support and encouragement it helps to inspire and motivate me further.

I am hoping to be able to post daily blogs which will include details of my diet and exercise and also my general wellbeing for the day.  Stay tuned for more and wish me luck as I commence this amazing new journey.

Love, Light and Peace Always!!

1 comment:

  1. best of luck Tarshy... U can do it... U inspire me look forward to reading ur blogs... xoxo


I welcome all messages and comments that are positive and encouraging. If however you do have some criticism please make sure that it is constructive rather than destructive. Much Love, Light and Peace XOXO Tash!