Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Inspired by TV

I just watched the finale of The 2012 Biggest Loser and am incredibly inspired by their AMAZING transformations.  A huge congratulations goes out to Margie for winning the title and to Lydia too for taking home the eliminated contestants prize. BUT, my hat goes off to Alex who has shown me that you can overcome ANY obstacles that are put in your way because THERE ARE NO EXCUSES!

'If you can't Run then Walk, If you can't Walk then Crawl'

I have had moments over the past couple of weeks and more so today that I have questioned whether I am walking the right path with regards to becoming a Personal Trainer and following through with my Diploma in Fitness.  The doubt is not because I don't enjoy it because I really do, but because of self doubt issues.  And whilst a lot of it has risen due to my recent operation and slow recovery, they have been lingering for a while.

How can I help others reach their goals when I haven't even achieved mine?  How can I be helping people run when I can barely even walk?  Should I just focus on one of my passions rather than spread myself thin?  My body won't be able to do this forever and I'm not getting any younger...the list goes on and on.  I have been doing the same with my Massage, and Photograhy and Music and Yoga (although I pretty sure that, that one has run its course and is time to be released - I enjoy doing Yoga but I don't enjoy teaching it or learning about the philosophy of it - mostly I just love to stretch out the body so for me its about the posture and not about the why? and hows?  - but that's another blog).

So anyway, after watching tonight I am happy to say that I now have absolutely no doubts that I want to be able to help people achieve greatness (and that I will in fact reach mine) as drawing upon my own experiences is what makes me the awesome trainer I am, as it gives me the empathy I need to help guide and nurture my clients towards their goals.

I know how hard it is to resist all the deliciously bad for you food choices because I constantly have to remind myself 'that nothing tastes as good as being fit and healthy feels'.  I know how hard it is to motivate yourself to exercise because there was a time that even walking to the letterbox was too much of an effort and even now I have my days where I need to convince and push myself to 'just get up and do it'.  I know how far away that goal post is and how draining it feels to think that you are never going to reach it and I too have asked myself 'why bother trying'.  I know that devastating feeling of working your butt off and then getting on the scales and it not moving...I have lived and am still living (despite having come so far) all those moments and it is because of that, that I choose to be continue walking the path of becoming the best Personal Trainer that I can be.

Day 2 Update.

Food wise yesterday was 'ok' but today has been good.  

Exercise wise I haven't done much (yesterday I did 20 X deadlifts into shoulder press and today I did 10 X 6kg kettlebell swings), but I am making myself get up and walk around the house which is better than nothing.   I have to say that I am a little scared that I will hurt myself again (neck and back) like I did last week after the 800 jab crosses, but on some level even that is just an excuse.  Tomorrow I have a training session with Craig and I am really looking forward to it as I know it will be the kick up the butt I need to keep me motivated, even though if last week is anything to go by, I will be incredibly sore.

Emotionally today has been one of ups and downs.  On the upside I finished off another one of my Nutrition modules and so I am one step closer to finishing.  On the down side I have had very frustrating moments with regards to being able to or in my case, not being able to lift my leg and moments where my leg just wasn't strong enough to hold me and so I had to reply on my crutches (which hurts my wrists as lets face it 87kgs is alot of weight to carry around).

Another issue I am dealing with is not wanting to leave my house as it means having to socialise and I am too tired to put on a brave front right now as I am so over it all its not funny.  BUT, I have paid to go to the Mother's Day Luncheon on Thursday and a friend of mine is picking me up so I will just have to put on my mask and head out the door.  Mum has told me that once I get there I will more than likely not want to come home but, what the heck am I going to wear?

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