Wednesday, May 9, 2012

So I have had 7 people (3 groups) cancel their sessions this week and put their training on hold until further notice for various reasons (money, family, time).  Each  reason is totally understandable BUT it is really hard to not take it a 'little' personally.  After last nights revelations of being ready to give it all I have got to have them all pull out on me just feels crappy and starts the self doubt cycle turning again.  In saying that though, I am determined to not let it break my spirits as I have others that are still on board and so will focus on helping them to achieve their goals.  I do have to say though that it's a lot of worry finance wise to not have as much coming in, but money is only money and always comes in somehow (it just means I need to put some spending spree plans on hold) and as long as we have a roof over our heads, food in our bellies and loads of love , we don't 'need' for anything else.

So enough of the negatives let's get stuck into the positives of the day of which there are plenty....


I decided today that is was time to say goodbye to my Toilet Chair, Shower Chair and Arm Chair and even though it is proving to be more of a challenge than I thought it would be I am not looking back.


This morning I did a kick arse PT session with Craig and am so proud of myself because I managed to walk  between circuits without my crutches and stood up for half of the session to make my leg muscles work a little more. 

Here's what I did today...

TRX Warm Up
2 x Sets
Pull Ups x 10
Bicep Pull Ups x 10
Single Leg (obviously not the bung one) Squats x 10

Cross Fit x21 reps, x15 reps, x9 reps
Double Rope Waves
Pull Ups (TRX)
5kg Wall Balls

2mins Cross Trainer High Resistance (arms only)

2 x Sets
Chest Press X 15
Latt Pull Downs X 15 

2 x Sets
10 X Barbell Shoulder Press

2 x Sets
10 X Resistance Band Twists (each side)
20 X Russian Twists

10 X Leg Lowers
10 X Leg Lifts
These are so hard when you can barely lift your leg

2 x Sets
20 X Swiss Ball Crunches


I got taken out to lunch by my gorgeous friend and new business partner Eleisha.  I am so excited about starting our new venture which is (drum roll please) - 'Shared Passion Photography'.  We have so many ideas and plans and cannot wait to see them come into fruition.  Oh and she is now my Plan B (backup) for the Moorabool News, I am so happy to have someone that I really trust to work with.


I had a physiotherapy session this afternoon and although it was tough and frustrating and I was told that the chances of me driving within the next couple of weeks is very slim; she said that I had improved heaps since our last session 2 weeks ago and that I no longer need to use the machine to wake up the Quad muscle as it is responding - FINALLY YAY!  So now its just a matter of continuing to do what I have been doing without over doing it.


I went to the shopping centre today on my crutches and did some shopping (with the use of the trolley), I even socialised (a little).  I know that this doesn't seem like a big deal but it was my first time in 7 weeks that I walked in there and wasn't on my scooter (it helped that Glenn was able to drive me there).

Well with all that said I am going to bid ye all a goodnight as I am exhausted and for the first time in 3 days have had an Endone (slow release morphine) and so my words are starting to look like one big blur.


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