Sunday, May 13, 2012

Physiotherapy Exercises

It's been 7 weeks since I had my Tibia Tubercle Transfer surgery where the surgeon broke the main bone of my lower leg (tibia), realigned the knee cap and threw some screws in to hold it in place and now it's up to me to do all that I can do to ensure that all the pain and frustration has been worth it and that I get FULL (not 60%, 70% or even 90%) use of my leg again.  At the moment that percentage is around the 30% mark and so my aim is to do all that I can to improve the odds.

On a positive note my body is taking care of the healing process on its own and the wound/scar is looking great.  I do still however have a numb/tingly feeling from the knee down to about 10cm above the ankle from where they sliced the nerve that runs across the leg when they operated but I have been advised that this is normal and that sometimes it doesn't stop feeling that way.

Anyway the reason for this post is to share my home physiotherapy exercises.  The reason for documenting is so that a) I can remember them, b) I can print them out if the surgeon wants to know what I've been doing and c) so that my trainer/s can work out some sessions with them in mind and d) it may help someone who is going through the same/similar thing (consult your therapist first though ok, just to be on the safe side).

Ankle Pumps - Sit with legs straight out and point toes up and then point toes down (plantar flex) and then bring back up (dorsi flex).  Repeat x 10 times.  Perform with both legs simultaneously and then each leg individually.

Theraband Ankle Pumps - Sit up with legs straight out and place the middle of the band on the ball of the foot.  Hold theraband so that it has some resistance and do Ankle Pumps.  Repeat x 10 times.

Theraband Eversions - Sit up with legs straight out and wrap middle of theraband around the foot of the operated leg (in my case 'right') and then loop it behind the opposite foot ('left').  Turn the 'right' ankle outwards (evert), hold for up to 5 seconds and then return.  Repeat x 10 times.

Quads (Supine) - Lie down on back with both legs straight. Tighten thigh by pushing the back of the knee to the floor. Hold for about five seconds, relax for a few seconds and  Repeat x 10 times. (this can also be done sitting up - watch not to engage glutes).
Quads (Prone) - Lie on stomach with legs straight out and toes on the floor.  Straighten out the knee and lift the foot up off the floor.  Hold for 5 seconds and then lower.  Repeat x 10 times.  Do each leg individually and then both together.

Heel Slides - Lie down on back and slide your heel towards our butt making sure you keep your foot on the floor, bed or couch. The more you bend the better.  Repeat x 10 times.  (this can also be done sitting on a chair).
Straight Leg Raises - Lying down with one knee bent at 90 degrees, lift your straight leg upwards till it's even with the height of your opposite knee.  Repeat x 10 times then switch legs.  (this can also be done sitting on a chair - watch not to engage hip flexors).

Wall Slides - With feet shoulder width apart and 30cm - 45cms away from the wall, slowly lower your buttocks toward the floor. Go ¼ of the way down only and squeeze a soft ball between your knees. Hold for five seconds then return to the starting position. Repeat x 10 times.
Heel Raises - Whilst standing (holding onto something for support), raise heels off the floor as high as possible and repeat x 10 times.

Balance - Hold onto something for support for about 10 seconds and then let go and simply balance on one leg.  Repeat x 10 times each leg.
I know that these sound like really basic exercises but I can tell you that at the moment they are really quite tough and tire me out quickly.  I am aiming to do 3 sets of each of exercise per day.

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