Friday, May 6, 2011

Friday May 6, 2011

Well there is still no marathon event in sight for me but I do feel a little bit better and I have to admitt that alot of the reason for that is because I was able to get up and move around more today (within reason ofcourse and always with my trusty ventolin inhaler right beside me).  So other than managing to do some of my housework and a small grocery shop, I also instructed a group training session which was the highlight of my entire day - actually make that entire week!  I feel so happy when I am helping people achieve their goals - even when they do complain about what I get them to do hehe!  Admittedly right now I am exhausted and my chest feels like a brick is on top of it, but at least I am smiling (oh and all I did was show them how to do each move - imagine if I did the session oh boy!). 

Tummy, Hips and Thighs with a Cardio Element!

Warm up - 'Grass' Hill Climbs
Powerwalk up (down recovery)
Jog up (down recovery)
Sprint up (down recovery)
Jog up (down recovery)
Sprint up (down recovery
Sprint up (down recovery)

Round 1 X 3sets

1. Tight Squats with leg abduction - arms held in front X 10each
2. Run with arms up above head (length of concrete - to sand)
3. Static Lunge with Glute Raise X 10 each leg
4. Brazzillian Crunch (Ext arm plank - bring knee to chest) X 20

Minimal to no rest between sets increasing effort with each set.


Round 2 X 3 sets

1. Burpees X 10 (Got Millisa to do side taps)
2. Sumo Squat, Reverse Lateral Lunge, Kick X 10 each
3. Ext arm plank with alternate arm reach X 10 each
Mininimal to no rest between sets increasing effort with each set.

Round 3
Sumo Squat HOLDS plus Pulses X 3

Todays DAILY CHALLENGE was to send someone that you care about a random message - I sent mine to my Step Dad because I am often slack in staying in touch with him so I wanted to let him know that I think of him often.

Tomorrow I have a compulsory Fitness Instruction workshop to attend which runs from 9.30am - 4.30pm and I have a feeling that I will be extra exhausted afterwards so its feet up and early night for me! xox

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