Monday, May 23, 2011

Day 1, Week 1 of AIM TO CHANGE Challenge!!

Today I joined a 12 week challenge on Facebook called 'AIM TO CHANGE'.  Put simply its an online weight loss group with the focus being on helping to inspire and motivate each other to work towards achieving our individual goals. 

Although I know that I said 'No more challenges', I feel that this one is different in the sense that it isn't a competition against any one else, no fees were paid and no prizes will be won other than reaching my goals.  I am also feeling stronger and am determined not to fall back into negative patterns of self abuse.

One thing that has been playing on my mind though is that its yet ANOTHER challenge and as we all know my track record hasn't exactly been one that has seen me completeing 'all' of them BUT 'No one really fails if they are willing to try again' and so try again I shall!

MY GOALS for the next 12 weeks:
Lose .5 to 1 kg per week (6 - 12kg)
Follow a Healthy Nutrition Plan
Drink at least 1 litre of water per day
Do 5 X Gym/Training Sessions per week 
Get adequate rest (lights out by 11.30pm)
Update Calorie King everyday
Blog Regulary (at least twice a week)
Allow myself a Free Meal each week
Allow myself to enjoy life within reason
No under eating, No overtraining, No binging, No purging.
Celebrate and congratulate myself on the 'wins' (big and small)

Here are the starting stats.  I am so embarrassed to share these and I promise myself that this will be the last time that I ever look this hideous.

You can view my Food Intake HERE

Today's Exercise was a 45minute group boxing class which I really struggled with as I am still really sore from Commando Training; but I pushed through and even did squats!!

1 comment:

  1. YOU are SUPER brave there lovely! Well done to you!! :D


I welcome all messages and comments that are positive and encouraging. If however you do have some criticism please make sure that it is constructive rather than destructive. Much Love, Light and Peace XOXO Tash!