Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Genesis Challenge Day 1, Week 2

This morning I woke feeling bright eyed and bushy tailed after getting 8 hours plus of sleep - something which is very rare for me but has been a constant for the past 3 days (unfortunately though it will not be the case tonight).  I drove to my first aid course with a smile on my face and a small skinny chai latte in my hand singing at the top of my lungs (with an unknown audience due to me accidently knocking my phone OMGosh). 

The course went all day from 9.30am - 3.30pm and mostly consisted of the class listening to the lecturer and reading from a white board that was hard to see due to glare - something which my eyes cannot handle and at one point I think I actually closed them long enough to nod off (embarrassing much)!  There was about an hour of practical work and another hour of testing which were the best 2 hours of the day and I successfully passed my Level 2 First Aid Certificate.

I popped in briefly on the way home to visit my Step Dad and to check out my little sisters engagement ring which is very sparkly and then it was home to rush around like a headless chook before heading out to kick some butt at our regular Monday Night Impact Boxing Class.

Tonights Boxing Class kicked butt but I felt a little flat and didn't push as hard as usual.  I think it was a combination of being tired from the course and also from feeling drained due to it being my moontime - either way I could of pushed more but am still happy that I at least got to work out seeing as though I missed my morning Genesis session with my much missed Oooh Aaahhh Sisters.

After class we headed to Mariannes house for a quick visit which didn't see us get home until 10pm and after doing some paperwork and last minute house wifey / mum stuff here I am at 12.24pm feeling BLAH and :( 


I am really shitty at myself because todays calories are 1606, which is 176 more than they should be.  This mornings Chai was an edulgence that I didn't really need and also I had 2 Fish Wraps at dinner when 1 should of been enough.  I am hoping that it will all balance out with the days I was under my calorie intake but plan to work harder and keeping them in check.

Anyway I am going to go to bed because being tired isn't helping my depressive mood.  I am sure that I will be back to my bright chirpy self after some rest.

Oh, stressing over not getting enough study done isn't helping either so this week I really need to focus more time on school work.

Goodnight everyone, thanks for the support through the highs and the lows. xoxo

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