Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sunday 6 March 2011

Wow what a week it has been for workouts and socialising.

Thursday morning I did an INCREDIBLE workout with Kerriann, Marianne and Sarah and it was challenging and fun all at the same time.  The workout was all about Hill Sprints - Up and Down) X 6 times with Boxing thrown in between each set. 

Peppertree Park Hill - Picture makes it look easy!

Friday it was Moon Reserve Walk Day (2 laps = 6kms) with Bec and Kerriann and Sarah also came along too which meant that I actually ended up jogging half the distance,  just to keep up with her.  Geez that girl can walk fast, I am guessing that she does at least 6.5 - 7 kph.  Gotta say though that I felt awesome being able to jog for so long non stop.  My aim is to be able to do the whole 6km's again without stopping, I'm not fussed on the time too much but I would like to stick to my 1km per 10 minutes (or less of course).  I wouldn't be able to do it all the time as I will admitt that my feet and knees were killing me by the end of the day.  I cannot wait to get them fixed!  Mind you, it didn't help that Friday night we froze our butts off at the BMPS Cinema night - where I had some potatoe chips :(

Saturday morning was Combat with Impact Fitness.  That afternoon I attended a McDonalds birthday party and so by the end of the day I was feeling guilty and very bloated, despite the fact that my burger ended up being flushed.  Saturday night was spent in the company of dear friends where I got to have my very first Xbox Connect Experience and did a 30 minute workout with Bob and Gillian from the Biggest Loser USA.  I found it very challenging knowing as I couldn't figure out where you are supposed to look.  Is it at the hologram (which by the way was embarrasing - my hips are ENORMOUS!!), At the trainer OR at the little bars that tell you your levels.  Anyway trying to figure all this out and do the moves properly made for a very uncoordinated training session - but a fun one at that!

And that brings me to TODAY!!

This morning started off with my usual 9.15am Yoga Class at Belgravia Leisure Centre and then it was home to potter in the garden.  It was such a beautiful day and I am feeling very accomplished but very tired.

I decided to weigh in today since I was at the Gym anyway and I am fairly happy with the results although would of liked to have seen more of a change in the BF % and SM % but it will happen.  Considering too that I forgot to take my supplements from about mid-week and wasn't entirely disciplined the result is definitely a good one.

My goals for the coming week are:

Lose .5kg
Lose BF
Gain Muscle
Take Supplements
Follow Nutrition Plan
Workout 6 Days Per Week (Cardio and Resistance)
Bed before 11.30pm (given myself an extra half hour on last week)

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