Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tuesday 8 March 2011 - A Genesis Experience!

Yesterday I spent the entire day in bed snuggling and snoozing with my boys which was nice on one hand but not so nice on the other; as by the end of the day I felt drained, legargic and just generally blah to the point that I even missed out on going to Impact Boxing.  The fact that I didn't have anything to eat or drink all day didn't help but when I tried to eat some dinner (Yummy Fish Wrap) I ended up purging half of it.  Emotional eating then kicked in and I had a Choc Wedge and a White Knight :( 

Today on the other hand I was up and at em' ready for a new adventure with Kerriann and Marianne - we went to the Genesis Gym in Melton.

Last week when I went to my first class I felt really intimidated by the Gym (School is in the same building), and letting things beat me is something that I don't do.  So when I saw them in the shopping centre handing out free passes (the next day - how's that for a push from the universe) I decided that conquering my fear head on was what needed to be done.  So then, I of course had to convince the girls that they too should do the same - safety in numbers so they say!

We arranged to meet at my place at 9.00am and then head straight into the Gym.  At 10.00am we were still sitting around the table with our cuppas having deep and meaningfuls; until we were interupted by a phone call (4 of them) from 'Ricky' - the Genesis Guy, asking where we were!  And so with that, we were on our way feeling very nervous and excited all at the same time!

A long story short from here...Ricky spent time getting to know more about why we were there and what we hoped to get out of training and of course asked some other really tough questions that hit right to the core but needed to be answered (I will go into them another night as I am too tired tonight).  Then we were given a guided tour.  Each of us were so blown away by what we saw and the level of service that we recieved that we all joined then and there on the spot. 

By the time we finished all the paperwork it was 1.00pm leaving us an hour to get a work out in, grab some lunch and then pick up the kids from school.

Tomorrow Marianne and I are going to go to our first Genesis Cycle Class together - we have a date with Ricky who has said that if he doesn't see us at training he will call and call and call and if that doesn't work he will come and drag us there himself - LOL!!  Kerriann is going to meet up with us a little late and workout while we swim - which I am really looking forward to doing.

Anyway, I am buggered - until next time! xoxo

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