Friday, May 15, 2020

Friday 28th February 2020

Day 4 post op!

6.00am - Good mornining, wish I was still in bed but they woke me up for obs and then I needed to pee, so 30 minutes later I made it back onto my chair all by my self!  Hence, why I wish I was still in bed, that was exhausting!  I am feeling like I really wanna go home today, I dont like this room!  I'm cold and they can't turn off my air conditioner, and I'm not comfortable to sit on the loo when there isn't a lock on the door and there is a bloke next door and we are sharing a loo.  BUT I need to poop first, and I can't WAHHHH!!!  I think I need something to help me go but I'm scared I will shit myself as lets face it, I can't run to the loo!  *Sigh* Oh well there are worse things, such as the shitty job of cleaning up if I don't make it there on time!  Eeeewwww!

Here's hoping I poop without invervention!
Thank you again Marky!
Well I can't say I haven't tried to  go, but no poop this morning!

Pooped but no poop!
Check out the video that goes with this picture HERE

Oh well, it is what it is...time to get up and get moving! 

Moving may help get things moving!

Ok, you wanna hear todays funny moment?

I had a shower this afternoon assisted by both my nurse Naomi and Mark.  As you can imagine, that fact alone started the most inappropriate of jokes - good thing that Naomi was a trooper!  As I am feeling ultra tired today I'm not quite 100% with it, hence the double assistance.  Knowing this fact, why in hell would they hand me the shower nozzle?  Ler's just say that I was the only one naked, but we all ended up being showered!  The man next door must of wondered what all the squeals and the laughter was LOL!

I was made to feel ultra spesh today with a delivery from my beautiful friend Sarah.

These certainly brightened my day...Thank you!
And if that wasn't enough, Donna also popped in and gifted me with some surprises.  One that made me laugh but in all honestly has been ultra handy.

Doggie pads, Cheezles, Hemp Powder and Oil
Today certainy wasn't all smiles though, and once I stopped and sat still long enough to let it be what it was, the tears started flowing.

It's okay not to be okay!
And just like that...I got a special vistor who put a smile on my dile.

My beautiful girl Bec!
Well, another day done and dusted!  

I may not have gotten to do a poo dance, nor been allowed to go home but I got through and for that I am proud of me!

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