Friday, May 15, 2020

The boys visitied!

Saturday 29th February 2020 - Day 5 post op!

I had a terrible night last night...I will let the pics do the talking!

Taken at 1.15am
Taken at 4.48am
Watch a short video diary HERE

The team came around this morning, and we spoke about going home, well maybe I did.  I told them that I will rest better at home, and they are going to 'think' about it.  Yep even with all my four drains in plus my vaccum bag.  I will have a district nurse come to the home everyday and then I will come back on tuesday to wound clinic.  No poop yet though but there is nothing like your own throne hey!?!

Foobies out for checking
Snug as a bug in a rug again!
My boys came to visit me today...

3.45pm - No poop yet means no home for me afterall GGRRRR!  

Can't say it was from lack of trying!

On a plus, it was so good to have my family with me today though...

My world and my reason for choosing to live for as long as possible!
But, unfortunately after spending the day with the boys, that night I felt ultra lonely.

Luckily we have messenger AND cosy blankies!

And, tomorrow.they are coming again...whoo hoo!

(Mark here #6)
Allllllllrighty then! So I've been a bit slack on the reporting side of things...I'm sure you'll get over it!
The past couple of days have been fraught with many positive steps in the right direction. Sitting up in a chair for many hours quite happily, smiles, positive conversation, two laps around the nurses station! Butt.....the plethora of medical professionals watching over the girl need her to, well...take a du...have a shi...drop a a cra...go number tw.....well, they won't let her go until she has "let go"!!  The boys and I were hoping to bring her home with us today, but alas, no.  Given that today was the first time that we all caught up, a lot of fun and frolicking ensued!!  Well, that's enough of my ramblings for one night. I'll try and give ya's a smaller sized update tomorrow night!!  Toodle pip.

1 comment:

I welcome all messages and comments that are positive and encouraging. If however you do have some criticism please make sure that it is constructive rather than destructive. Much Love, Light and Peace XOXO Tash!