Tuesday, May 26, 2020

March 5th to 16th 2020

Thursday 5th March 

So, THIS came in the mail today (well it came a few days ago but because I was in hospital Mark didn't have time to grab it until now)! 

Such an AMAZING feeling...I worked bloody hard for this expensive piece of paper; I cannot wait to get it framed and up on the wall. 

Also cannot wait to start the Naturopath Degree, but don't freak out it can wait, first I rest and recover!

Looking forward to catching up with all my awesome uni buddies in May for the Graduation Ceremony. Oh, btw WE ROCK!

Thank you for my Graduation Teddy Mum! 

NOTE: Graduation was cancelled due to Covid-19.

In other news...

It was so lovely to spend the night at home in my own bed. Getting to the loo proved challenging with OPB (old peoples bladder) and our long hallway though, must remember not to hold until last minute LOL.

Mark was looking forward to a sleep in now that I'm home, but it seems I am running on hospital obs time - up early enough to watch another sunrise which is awesome. Think I may need a nana nap later on though!

Nothing else to report really, I've just been resting and getting spoilt with lovely deliveries.

Also had a beautiful visit from Dannielle today, which was lovely. Thank you again for helping with the boys and doing the school run hun, it was truly a huge help xo

Friday 6th March 

8.00am - OMGoodness, I recon Mark and the boys drugged me so they could have a sleep in - I only just woke up! I definitely needed the rest though. 

No school for the boys today or Monday - hello, long weekend!

Can you see the face in my foob?

Don't know about you, but I think that is looking a little darker than it has before?

Saturday 7th March 

2.00am - When you can't sleep but he can LOL

Bags to hold the drainage bottles and then a bag to hold the bottle bags! 

I will be so happy to see the back of these bottles.

It looks like the stitches are coming a little unstuck and yet I have been a good girl and done nothing but rest, rest, rest! My foob is also a little oozy! I am so glad the HITH team district nurses come out daily.

Not gonna piss in your back pocket, sometimes the pain is high and it all gets a little too much to deal with. Remembering to breathe and focus on the positive of the situation makes a huge difference.

Positive today was a visit from Bec.

Sunday 8th March 

I am feeling worse for wear today, really sore and sleepy but I cannot express how truly blessed I feel by the fact that I have so many people on my breast team (family and friends included) working together to ensure that I am AOK and most importantly cancer free!

The nurse has been.

Left Foob - still not looking great!

Right Leg - Looks a little oozy and like those stitches are reopening AND the groin too!

Left Leg - Groin wound is opening.

Looking infected to me!

The nurse agreed that things were looking not quite right and photos were sent to the HITH doctors. 

Antibiotic script faxed to chemist, picked up and now started. 

Fingers crossed that they help me feel a little better!

Monday 9th March 

Had the nurse out again today.

Frog Leg Position for Dressing Change
Tissue on foob starting to break down

Best thing, I had the right breast drainage tube out today - whoo hoo!

Tuesday 10th March

Making sure I stay positive...even though mornings can be a little rough!

Had the nurse out today and progress pictures were taken and sent through to the HITH team.

Left Leg

Right Leg

So, I'm sharing the next picture so you can see how tricky it is for me to change my pants as I need to thread the drain bottles through each leg. 

I left the house today...to go to a doctors appointment!

Wednesday 11th March 

It is 16 days post op today, and I went into the RMH complex wound clinic.

Ass much as for the most part my spirits are high and I have been making light of a heavy situation with humour, please know that behind the smile things aren't all fun and games.

Just so we are keeping it real; whilst I am doing well there are a few things that aren't ideal and is why I have daily nurse visits and need to go into the RMH every week.

1. I have edema, and so have cankles, fat knees, double chin, fat fingers and just generally feel like the mischellen 'wo'man.

2. I have nerve damage in left foot/leg. Nothing I haven't dealt with before but not much fun and requires me using a crutch/wheel chair, until such time I can work on overcoming it.

3. I have a small infection in the wound under right breast, and a large necrotic (dead) patch in left breast that may more than likely require going under the knife again.

4. I have an infection in right groin, and an open gash which is also infected in the left thigh, which is looking like it will need skin grafting to fix.

5. Add to this the fact that I am allergic to ALL adhesive and as a result have tiny blisters over all taped areas...OUCH!

Despite this however, I smile through the pain, knowing that because I had the operation when I did, I am here today and I am cancer free!

P.S. How beautiful was tonights sunset!

Thursday 12th March

Lovely visit from Danni and Bec this morning!

Healing is not going as awesomely as I hoped, BUT still better than it has been after previous operations, so thats a bonus. Just taking each day as it comes. Todays positive is that I got to have my first shower in 2 whole weeks! 

Left foob really not looking great.

Taping to keep the foob together.
Friday 13th March


Could still be worse just going with the flow an still smiling.
Soooo, I have just been told that I definitely have an infection called Pseudomnas in my leg wound which is getting worse rather than better despite the nurses cleaning and dressing it everyday

On top of this it looks like I may have an infection in the foob too.  Nurse is going to take a swab and send it off for testing.

Green tinged discharge is not a good thing!
Drainage tube sites looking a little on the red side too
The HITH team faxed through a request for bloods and script for new meds, so it was another outing for me. 

I am not too proud to admit that todays car ride was all a little too much!

Or more to the point, it was the thing that tipped me over the edge.  It is okay not to be okay!  Tomorrow is a new day!

Best thing about today is that Bec came and sat with me whilst Mark went to his Continence Clinic appointment.

Saturday 14th March

Touching base with nothing new to report...which is both positive and not so positive! 

Apparently this is a normal process of the cream they are using...smells so bad!

Feeling these words so thought I'd share.

Sunday 15th March

Things are really not looking good...

The nurse I had today said that both are being treated and should improve, especially given I am on antibiotics.   I am due to go back to the complex wound clinic on Thursday 19th so I just need to have some patience.

I also had to start on the stop period medication today as I am due next week.  The last thing we need with the way things are is a whole heap of bloody goo down there too...fingers crossed it works and doesn't cause a blood clot eeeekkkk.

Monday 16th March

The nurse (did I mention that it has been a different one each day) came out today and she is really worried about the wounds, as am I (I think it helped heaps that it was someone who knew me, and someone who has been through a mastectomy herself).  She said she is going to contact the HITH team and let me know tomorrow what they say...unless they maybe, hopefully, call me today!  I feel like I have been heard so hopefully we can get on top of things.  Even though photos have been sent  to the team everyday and concerns have been raised, the nurses haven't been quite so...demanding, for lack of a better word.

Be sure to stay tuned to find out more...next blog will be posted really soon!

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