Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day 4, Week 1...My Gym Program


Today I had lunch at McDonalds and although I would of loved to have scoffed a Grand Angus burger into my mouth I went with one of the healthy choice options and had a Seared Chicken Caesar Salad with Bagel Chips and it was delicious.  Oh, I also had my Coffee(s) of course and I pinched '2' of the kids chips which were yummy but 'Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels' so I was happy with just those.

Now I know I said that I am not counting calories this time but its hard to break habbits and so I did check to see how many it had in it.  The Chicken Salad (262) + Dressing (128) = 390 calories which I figured wasn't too bad since it was also my breakfast (I know! I know!).  Another thing I noticed was that there is a 142 calorie difference between the 'Seared' and 'Crispy' Chicken.


So my bestie "Jhanine" put her hand up to be my Spin Cycle Class buddy for the evening, however as it turned out the class was on half an hour later than we thought and so instead of waiting around we decided to hit the Gym instead.  Neen was happy enough to do whatever and so went through my Program together which was the most I have enjoyed doing it so far, having someone there to keep you motivated really makes a huge difference and before we knew it, we were up to cool down and the hour had flown.


Row for 1000 meters on #8 resistance.

PART 1 - To be repeated x3

Dumbell Clean and Press Squats (4kg x 12)
Burpees (x12)
Static Lunges with Plate Raise (2.5kg x 10 each side)
Medicine Ball Throwdowns/Backward Lunge (x20)
Spin Bike (30sec down / 30sec up x2)

PART 2 - To be repeated x2

Swiss Ball Resistance Band Crunches
(x20 with Medium Band)
Resistance Band RB Superman’s
(x10 each Side with Medium Band)
Swiss Ball Tap Ups (x20)
Plank (hold for minimum of 60sec)

Bike for 5 to 10 minutes

Note:  This doesn't include the treadmill program which we decided to skip tonight.  That one is a whole blog on its own - intense interval training phew!

There really isnt much else to discuss today and to be completely honest I am sitting here crying (and IM'ing with Neen who has just made me promise to try harder tomorrow) because I have realised that other than what I have listed already the only other thing I have had today is a Fruit Smoothie for afternoon tea.  I really really need to do this properly and so tomorrow I am going to endeavour to have ALL 3 meals and even the snacks in between so if you see me rolling down the street you will know why hehe!

Well, I am also going to start keeping the promise I made with myself to be in bed before midnight as I am 'Exhausted' so with that said I am signing off for another day but before I go I will leave you with this (mostly as a reminder to myself)...'It is never too late to start again - you can change your reality'.

OH, I forgot to mention something really really really exciting for me!  I can do half a push-up.  My aim is to be able to do a full one - Watch this space!

1 comment:

  1. Thankyou so much for a great workout session tonight sweetie. It was great to have a partner to suffer with me! LOL.And, as I said, please don't look in the past as it is something that can't be changed. Just focus on the now remember. And right now,you know that there are improvements that need to be made nutritionally so don't get mad, get even! I look forward to a more positive food consumption report tomorrow hey? And I emphasize FOOD consumption.Not CALORIE consumption OK? Mwah xoxo


I welcome all messages and comments that are positive and encouraging. If however you do have some criticism please make sure that it is constructive rather than destructive. Much Love, Light and Peace XOXO Tash!