Friday, January 29, 2010

Day 5, Week 2

Fridays are always so full on and today was no exception.  I seriously did not get to stop and have a proper break until about half an hour ago and it is now 10.30pm.  

It was also a 'Bugger the Exercise!' day for me which I am kind of feeling guilty about but also not as I know that I would of burnt off some calories just by running around like a head less chook.  I am considering playing the WII as I brought the WII Fit Plus and My Fitness Coach games today, so if I do that will mean I'll clock up at least 30 minutes to an hour - its addictive and so much fun!

Food wise today I did Crappy!!  Other than a Salt and Vinegar Rice Cake (eewww) and 2 cheese and crackers everything else has been a waste of time putting in my mouth as it all just came back up again.  Mind you by everything else I mean Quarter of a Chicken Kebab and 1 slice Magarita Pizza which are bad choices to begin with not only because of the fat and calories but also because I have trouble with them because of the band and yet I still bloody did it - and yes I am pissed off at myself because of it!

So anyway thats all I have to report today apart from saying that I have noticed a little bit of a difference in my clothes this week and I feel as though I am also carrying myself differently - almost taking pride in my stride so to speak.  Oh things are improving on an intimate level too, which all comes with feeling better about oneself. 

1 comment:

  1. Ewwww!!!!! Too much information! LMAO! Glad you are feeling a little better sweetie and get ready for a Wii partner soon! With the new additions, I will certainly be your Wii buddy!
    Mwah xoxo


I welcome all messages and comments that are positive and encouraging. If however you do have some criticism please make sure that it is constructive rather than destructive. Much Love, Light and Peace XOXO Tash!