Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 4, Week 2

I DID IT!!  I didn't think I had the motivation to do it but I did and now although I am sitting here with a face as red as a beetroot and my clothes sticking to me as if it was a stinking hot 40+ degree day, I am feeling really proud of myself for not giving in to my own excuses and for kicking my own butt into gear.  Oh, you have figured out I was talking about 'EXERCISE' yeah?

So after that big intro;  I only managed to do 20 minutes in total (better than nothing):  10 minutes on the Treadmill and 10 minutes on the Ellipitical Trainer.  I did however manage to push myself to do 9kph for 45seconds which I am rapt about.

Food wise today I feel as though I pigged out, actually let's just say that my Ice Cream, Chocolate and Lamington Cravings (even though I was ripped off because it didn't have any jam or cream in it - hehe) no longer exist.  Mind you, if I were to count the calories of every thing I put in my mouth today even including the 3 sins mentioned above, I know that I would still be under my daily intake and now that I've exercised that would be lower again so I'm not feeling overly guilty or anything which is a nice change.

Oh and I am so excited!  My home gym has now got a TV and a Fan so my Sunday Nights are going to be spent slogging it out in front of the tele watching The Biggest Loser.  You can thank Neen for that one and so she has a spot reserved just in case but there is room for 2 more if you would like to join me!

Well thats me done for the day I am exhausted!!  Mind you most of that is due to the fact that I was stupid enough to take my boys shopping with me - I always say never again but Im a sucker for punishment.

"hmmm, how many calories in this Rice Cracker?"
Photo taken by Anne van Alkemade

1 comment:

I welcome all messages and comments that are positive and encouraging. If however you do have some criticism please make sure that it is constructive rather than destructive. Much Love, Light and Peace XOXO Tash!