Saturday, January 30, 2010

Day 6, Week 2

I can't believe the end of Week 2 is almost upon me it has flown by so quick, is it really any wonder that weight can creep up on us the way it does.  I wish it would dissappear just as quick!

Food wise today I did better, not by heaps but its a start.  Actually, I had an ice cream which bumped up the calories for me .  No I'm not 'officially' counting.  Let's just say that I wish I could remember where I put my keys half as good as how many calories something has.  

I didn't do a proper 'Gym' type workout today but I did do lots of pottering around the house which involved me being my usual OCD manic self.  Oh and also played the WII Fit - Whoo Hoo!

Random Thoughts:

Does muscle really weigh heavier than fat?  Or is it a bit like the 'tonne of bricks' and 'tonne of feathers' question...Which one weighs more?

Lets say that Muscle = Playdough and Fat = Slime.  If you took 2kg of each and tried to put them in a small container you would find that if the playdough was shaped the right way it would fit; but the slime bulges over the edge.  So, you could perhaps fit in another 1kg of muscle but would need to get rid of 1kg of slime. 

I was wondering if it would make a difference to how I felt about needing to reach my 'goal weight' of 69kg.  Would I be happy at 74kg if I was trim, toned and terrific and in a Size 10?  In all honesty Nope! and I have a feeling that I am going to need to get over it, especially if the muscle weighing heavier than fat this is true!

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