Thursday, August 25, 2016


August 21 - DUTY

'Discipline says I need to, Duty says I have to and Devotion says I want to'. 

'Duty should be a byproduct of who we truly are, and what we value, and what is important to us'. 

Today's meditation has me thinking about what I do out of 'duty'? 

What in my life is an horrendous unenjoyable ritualised task due to the feeling of having no choice but to fulfill an obligation? 

(And no Mark a daily bowel movement is not the kind of 'doody' I am talking about LMAO). 

The definition of duty is: A moral or legal obligation, a responsibility. 

So if you think of it in that way, most of what I do is out of duty of some kind but it has turned into an expression of love and so I continue to do it, freely and willingly. Maybe? I don't know! 

I've been sitting here chatting with Mark about this topic (well more debating) and each thing we've thought of has a motivating force 'of love' behind the reason why I do the majority of the things I do in my life. The only things we could really come up with that I do out of a duty is to pay my bills, taxes, bookwork and the gardening lol BUT even each of those have a reason behind them, a motivating force which comes from a place of love SO the duty for them is secondary - a by product.

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