Wednesday, August 24, 2016

What do you like?

The other night my partner (Mark) I were sharing the things we 'like'. 

How incredible the feeling of when you share a thought that awakens the senses evoking the pure essence of the thing being expressed verbally is.

I like the smell of rain on a warm day, the feeling of the drops falling down upon on my skin, the sound when it beats down upon an old tin roof.

I like the smell of a campfire and starring hypnotically into the flames, I like the sound of the wood crackling and feeling of the fires warmth upon my skin. 

I like handwritten letters and being read to allowing the sounds of the voice to send my into a meditative state.

I like clear night skies where I can gaze into the vastness above contemplating my existence and knowing that there is so much more out there and that someday I will be reunited with those I have lost.

I like people who are kind, loving, caring and compassionate, people who bring out the positive qualities in yourself just because of who they are.

I like smelling my children's hair when they wrap their arms tightly around me to get a big mumma bear hug.

I like hearing the words I love you but I like it even more when they are followed by action to prove it.

I like the sound of my children laughing together and watching as they play so beautifully together.

I like books, music, movies and so much more.

I like the feelings you get when you think about the things you like.

What do you like?

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