Thursday, August 25, 2016

Exhaustion due to busy-ness

My thought/meditation for the day from the book 'Meditations for woman who do too much by Anne Wilson Schaef.

August 19th - Exhaustion

'Busyness is a drug that alot of people are addicted to'.

'It is not enough to be busy; so are the ants, the question is - what are we busy doing'?

'It is not what I do, but the way that I do it that will get me in the end'.

Even that which is good for us can have a negative effect if it takes over and becomes an overwhelming addiction fueling the fire of our exhaustion.

In past years I would fill my life to the brim with 'things' to do because I wasn't happy and so was hoping that the more full my life was that it would help make me full-filled, in actual fact what it did was create more dis-stress in my life adding to the unhappiness. 

These days I am in a place of happiness and as such have lightened the load and released the need to be constantly 'doing' something at a high pace or at a level of achievement. 

Whilst this is great, on another hand it also leaves me feeling like I should be doing more, I should get more clients, I should study, I should have a hobby. Where is the line drawn? 

For me personally it is about choices....

I choose to do something rather than feeling like I have to. 'Have to' implies I have no choice when in reality we always have a choice. I choose to get clients so that I can provide for my family, I choose to study to increase my knowledge in areas I find interesting and I choose to do a hobby in order to appeal to my creative nature, socialise ect whatever the reason maybe. So where am I going with all this? Busyness is a choice - choose what you spend your time (energy) on wisely and the bank will not keep depleting.

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