Thursday, August 25, 2016

Pssst I have a secret....

August 24 - Secrets

'As the French say....nothing is so burdensome as a secret'.

We have a rule in our home that secrets are not allowed!  

This has been reinforced even more so since my eyes were opened to the horribly disgusting things that can happen to you in the environment where you are supposed to be safe and protected. I had better stop there as thinking about it not only makes me physically ill but also brings to the surface a fire of rage and hatred towards certain individuals that need to remain unnamed, but oh my how I wish I could shatter the facade they are keeping and open everyone's eyes to the truth.

Anyway moving on...

I am by no means saying that I have never kept a secret because that would be dishonest.  But, I learnt the hard way that living our lives openly and honestly without any need to hide our sins is the best way to live, because just like lies (and let's face it most secrets are to hide something) the truth is always revealed.

There are exceptions to the rule however such as gift surprises, party surprises, the truth about Santa, the Tooth Fairy and the like - which is technically not a lie but an embellishment of an old age tradition.  Oooh this last one could open up a good debate hey but I'm not going into that one now as I am already on the edge from thinking about the first part of this secrets post.

That's that.  The end! 

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