Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Talents, Virtues, Purpose 2019

So I'm a little bit behind on answering the manifesting questions posted by the lovely Sonja on the Mindset Wellness group page (check it out HERE), but better late than never I say. Also, to be completely honest with you, I've been in complete holiday mode.  Mind you they go back tomorrow, so I have had to haul arse and start to get back into some kind of routine...uniform and shoes ready, schedules printed, books ready, sleep/wake pattern slowly re-established.

Anyway, heres a little recap of what we have covered so far!  Click the LINKS to see what I'm talking about, if you haven't been follow OR for a refresher, if you have!

And now here we are at Day 4 - Talents + Virtues + Purpose!

What are your talents?

Ok so I'm just going to put it out there that I find this question incredibly difficult. I really don't do well speaking myself up. I think its because I really dislike those who are 'egotistical' (you know those that have their heads so far up their own arse they can't see anything or anyone around them) and a question such as this one means tapping into that place. But, as the point of this is stripping back the layers, here goes...I also totally get that there is an element of ego needed in order to succeed in business...I guess there is a fine line though hey, between selling oneself and selling that which you can provide.

*I am a quick learner
*I am musical (sing & play guitar, dabble on other instruments)
*I am empathic and compassionate
*I am creative/artistic
*I am good at organising things whether that be events or clutter
*I am strong willed (some may say stubborn)
*I can express myself in words
*I have a Certificate of Aromatherapy, Nutrition, & Shiatsu and a Mastership of Reiki.
*I have a Diploma of Remedial Massage and am passionate about using my skill to help others.
*I can make a mountain out of a I know normally this is a negative saying and yes I do have a tendency to also veer on that side of things, but I think of the saying more in terms of the ability to make a little stretch. For example. Money! Its amazing how one can survive, thrieve (depending upon your interpretation of the word) with minimal income.

What are your values?

Here's just a few off the top of my head.  I am sure that if I took extra time to really ponder and analyse, that I could come up with more.

*I strongly believe that good manners and good moral standards cost nothing and yet get you a long way in life.

*I believe a warm friendly smile, a firm welcoming handshake and an embracing hug are invalable gestures to share.

*I believe that perfection is a state of mind although still something worth striving for.

*I believe that being true to who you really are is a very important life process.

*I believe in keeping it real, in not hiding your emotions, in showing your truth as you see it.

*I believe in being open minded, and in the willingness to learn new things.

*I believe that knowledge is not power, the way that knowledge is applied in order to obtain wisdom is!

*I believe that respect is not given based purely upon age or status, but something that is earnt. This does not mean however, that rudeness is acceptable until that has been achieved.

*I believe in honesty at all costs as the truth always comes out in the end...integrity!

*I believe that everybody makes mistakes but its how you own them and work to amend them that really matters. I believe in second chances.

*I believe that if it serves to protect yourself and those you love, cutting toxic people from your life is of paramount importance.

*I believe that a positive attitude and an optimistic outlook sure beats the alternative of bleakness.

*I believe that you don't always have to agree in order to get along, but you must find a mutual ground where you can agree to disagree.

What is your purpose?

WOW, what a question!

I believe it is sharing my talents with others, to work towards making a positive change in the world.

What are your current career fantasies?

I want to have a career that helps others to feel whole, to feel truly connected to who they are, to be healthy on all levels mind, body and soul.  To be the lighthouse in their lives...corny hey!

How do these align with your values, your talents and your health/wellness intentions?

I believe that for the most part who I am and what I stand for are all in alignment.

As I have mentioned previously though, giving up smoking and getting myself back to that place that radiates health (albeit a sterotypical image) is high on the agenda so that I actually feel as though I am walking the talk!

What are your personal intentions?

I want to live in a way that I would be proud of my boys to follow in the same lead by example!

What are your professional intentions?

To share my knowledge, experiences and wisdom with others, so that it may lead them to realising their truest potentional.

What are your philanthropic intentions?

Hmmm another tricky question...let me see!

*I guess the biggest one is the fact that I am an organ donor. I know that right now that doesn't mean much, but hopefully when my time of this earth comes to end, it will make a huge difference in someones life.

*I plan to donate massage vouchers to local fundraisers. I struggle with this a little as on one hand it is also for personal gain, in the sense that it advertises my business. In saying that however, it is not purely about gaining anything but also giving and supporting.

*I would like to give of my time to a worthwhile cause. When I was on the Relay For Life committee, I felt a real sense of purpose, a part of something worthwhile. I want to feel that again, to feel as though I am helping to make a difference.

*I would like to look at donating blood this year. In the past I haven't been able to due to a blood disorder, but I haven't enquired recently and maybe things have changed...since my tonsillectomy my immunity has improved so maybe it will be possible?!

*I plan to continue to pick up rubbish when I am out and about, rather than just walking past it.

*I plan to repurpose and reduce waste.

Well, thats about all I can think of at this stage, thanks heaps for reading. Be sure to stay tuned xo

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