Tuesday, January 1, 2019

I released 2018...

During yesterdays roadtrip I used the time to 'Release 2018' by answering a few questions posed by the lovely Sonja of Sonja Ljavroska - Balanced Health and Wellness.

The best things that happened in my life in 2018 include:
*Marrying my sweet man (seriously so blessed, how did I get to be so bloody lucky)!
*Bonding with my Sister (& nephew)
*Successfully completing my 2nd year of university (whoo hoo only 1 year of 'this' degree to go)!
*Watching my son breeze through his first year of high school despite his challenges (we also found out he will have an aide all throughout highschool - bonus)!

The toughest things that happened in my life in 2018 include:
*My Sister being diagnosed with breast cancer and not being able to help as much as I would of liked. 
*Waiting on the diagnostic results of my own lumpy bits. 
*Pneumonia and Nose Operation 
*Our fridge breaking down and not having it fixed for several weeks (bar fridge was a saviour but doesn't fit much LOL)!
*Water leak drama.

The lessons I learnt about myself and life this year include:
*My body heals much quicker now that my tonsils are removed, although I need to allow it time to rest and recover.
*Loving yourself is way better than torturing yourself. 
*I worry way too much about not letting other people down. 
*When it comes to the big C, my optimism is tarnished.
*I miss photography (although not the associated stress of major shoots)!

This year I discovered I really want:
*My boys to stay in high school for as long as possible. 
*Balance (work, study, family, friends)
*To start training again

What I need to let go of to live the way I REALLY want include:
*My addiction to cigarettes 
*Putting my own desires on hold to please others. 
*My need for everything to be OCD ordered 
*Overthinking and analysing

The experience, transformation, or accomplishment I am most proud of in 2018 is:
*Organising a wedding in 8 weeks without any bridezilla moments!

My favourite memories from 2018 include:
*Family camping trip off the grid in the Aussie bush for 2 weeks. 
*Our wedding day
*Family holiday to Tasmania 
*Line dancing with my hubby 
*Snuggle time with my boys 
*Catch ups with friends (movies, water dancing, pub, visits)

Note:  I actually found some of these quite challenging to answer.  I'm sure that if I were to ponder them for longer I would come up with more...but there I go with the over analysing and over thinking.

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