Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Day 2, Week 5 - Part 2

I have realised that there is only 12 weeks to go before the Mothers Day Classic and I am no where near ready for it and am scared shitless!  So today I decided to just grab the bull by the horns and start training.  

I am following a 6 week training program written by Brian Schepisi (Training Director / Sporting Spirit) which has been designed to help build me from walking to jogging 4 kms in 6 weeks.  The program consists of 3 training sessions per week which gradually builds week by week.  It also recommends that I mix it up with some cross training so it will work really well with my new Gym Program (very exciting about going through that on Monday).
So I got home from my lovely day with Neen, ran around like a headless chook doing all the usual Mum and Wifey things and then it was time for ME so I hit the treadmill!  I managed to walk/jog 4km's in 46 minutes and 30 seconds and when I stepped off the treadmill I could feel that I had worked hard and even now as I write this my legs feel like jelly and I love it!  I know its not the best time but its a start and the main thing is that proved to myself that I can do it - YAY!! GO ME!!  

46 minutes and 30 seconds = 538 Calories

 My Goal for the day of the marathon is to be able to jog at least 60 - 70% of the 4km and to complete it in the 30's, which I think is realistic. 

Tomorrow I will officially register for the Mothers Day Classic 4km Jog in Geelong and I am so excited.  The best bit is knowing that Neen and Sarah will be right there on the day with me!!

1 comment:

  1. GO YOU GOOD THING!!!!! I am so excited. Not just about doing the run with you and Sarah but that you actually felt like you had worked tonight! You must feel sooooo good!
    Thank you again for such a wonderful day and lets get training!!!!

    Love you heaps xoxo


I welcome all messages and comments that are positive and encouraging. If however you do have some criticism please make sure that it is constructive rather than destructive. Much Love, Light and Peace XOXO Tash!