Friday, February 19, 2010

Day 5, Week 5

I did a step class this morning with Sarah and it was hard but I still loved it.  I wasn't able to keep up with some of the moves and my legs got really fatigued at one stage so I cheated and didn't use the step but I still kept moving.  We are planning on going again next week so I am hoping to improve on this weeks performance.  Mind you, I really don't know how I even managed to get through it considering I was sore this morning from the PT session and Zumba yesterday not to mention the rest of my week which has been full on.

I don't have a great deal planned for the weekend but I do need to do another 4km walk/jog at some point.  At this stage I am thinking that will be on Sunday as I really should have a rest day tomorrow to be able to recover fully or else I will just burn myself out and end up back at square one again!

Other than the usual pic's I spent the rest of the day with Jhanine and we sat and did a whole lot of nothing in particular which was lovely.  For lunch we endulged ourselves with a Turkey and Cheese Salad topped off nicely with a weight watchers Carmel Pecan Sundae and both were equally satisfying.

You can check out the rest of my food ect HERE

Well thats it from me for tonight as I am absolutely buggered, mind you the cleaning frenzy this evening didn't help thats for sure - phew!

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.  Be kind to yourselves!  XOXO

1 comment:

  1. Thank you again for the company and lovely lunch again babe.
    However, I must whoop your arse next time I see you as I can see that there is no dinner on your daily intake list! Not good enough chicky!
    Come on! You were talking about giving yourself a rest day because of burn out but a rest day is no good to you if you have no nutrition chicken.
    You have done so well babe and I would hate to see you take a step backwards. I just love you so much and I am so proud how far you have come!
    Mwah xoxo


I welcome all messages and comments that are positive and encouraging. If however you do have some criticism please make sure that it is constructive rather than destructive. Much Love, Light and Peace XOXO Tash!