Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day 3, Week 5

Today Ace Riley, Mapa and I went to the Mums and Bubs Session at the Movies and saw Valentines Day which I really enjoyed despite Ace being worse than a fart in a bottle (in others words he didn't sit still OR stop talking). 

I was a little nervous about the whole Candy Bar thing but we got around that by popping into Coles and grabbing some healthy alternatives to take with us.  I will admitt that I couldn't resist grabbing a handful of Ace's Popcorn which was very yummy and so worth the calories. (Used a great deal of willpower there believe me - I love love LOVE buttered popcorn)!

Oh I also stopped off at K-Mart and brought myself a heartrate watch - YAY!!  Now all I have to do is figure out how to use it!

This afternoon was a lazy one as Glenn got home from work early and agreed to watch the boys while I had a Nana Nap - how spoilt am I.  It was just what I needed as my energy levels and body are a little low, sluggish and sore today - which is a really good feeling.

After dinner and the usual maddness I gave Mapa a call and asked if she wanted to join us for a family walk which she agreed to.  We ended up doing a 30 minute leisurely walk around the block and then played with the kids at the park.  We had planned on playing tennis but the courts no longer exist after the flooding from last week which is a bit of bummer.  It does however look as though they are going to put new ones in!

Food wise today you can see how I did HERE!

The next couple of days are big ones so be sure to check in tomorrow too!  Thanks for the support!  XOXO


  1. Hi. I went to see the movie yesterday,and thought it was great. I did the same with the snacks, popped into the supermarket on the way and got fruit! However it was a 10.30am session so didn't really feel like anything else. (My bad eating time is at night) Good job on the handful of popcorn and getting passed the dreaded candy bar. The heartrate watch sounds interesting, hope you figure it out. Have a good day tomm.XXOO
    Wendy D....

  2. Sounds like you had a lovely relaxing family day. So glad that you got your watch so that you can now visually see how hard your insides are working! A nanna nap? Blimey! Must have been heaven! And well done on the movie snacks sweetie. You are getting bloody good at this temptation business!
    Have a great PT and Zumba day! Can't wait to hear all about it!


I welcome all messages and comments that are positive and encouraging. If however you do have some criticism please make sure that it is constructive rather than destructive. Much Love, Light and Peace XOXO Tash!