Thursday, February 11, 2010

Day 4, Week 4

Massive exercise day today and so I am in negative calories, mind you I still haven't had any dinner as I have a really bad tummy ache, moontime is on its way.  Food / Exercise / Calorie Diet HERE:

Awesome PT session this morning, Kerriann was taking no prisoners today and worked us (Sarah and I) hard.  I think that I could of pushed a little harder, but as my bestie said to me today I am always going to think I can push harder, its just who I am.  Nothings worth doing if its done half arsed, you gotta give it 110% or don't even bother.  I think its the Brereton in me (Mums side of the family).  I did manage to get my speed on the treadmill up to '10' which is amazing - have to say though that I am in awe of Sarah for pushing herself to do '11' - I whimped it.  Oh, I really need to REMEMBER TO BREATHE...sounds stupid but I need to be reminded, hence the reason I get dizzy.

Zumba, I dont feel I got alot out of apart from enjoyment value.  Next week I am going to have to push it hard and shake my hips and jump around more in order to get my heart rate up. 

I watched Biggest Loser tonight and all I can say is that the guys and gals on there are so F'n unbelievely brave and inspirational - I take my hat off to them.  Watching it has really helped me to make the decision to put some goals and plans that I have been considering into action - I can do whatever I set my mind to regardless of what size I am. 

Anyway I have so many things rushing around in my head right now and its all just ending up a jumbled mass of words because I can't type fast enough to get it all out so I am just going to head off to bed and leave it until its all processed properly.

1 comment:

  1. I must say that I won't be surprised if you find yourself in negative calories on many Thursdays to come! Its a big workout day for you that is for sure. I dont think I could do 2 sessions in one day without collapsing. It was great watching loser with you too. Aren't they amazing? Just remember to only push yourself a little at a time. There is no point killing yourself then getting sick to the point that you won't be able to train at all!
    You are doing such an amazing job. Just remember your promise and keep that nutrition in check OK?
    Love you xoxo


I welcome all messages and comments that are positive and encouraging. If however you do have some criticism please make sure that it is constructive rather than destructive. Much Love, Light and Peace XOXO Tash!