Thursday, September 29, 2016


How Funny that the 'catch up' (I am 5 days behind eek) comes just when we reach THAT word...yes I am referring to BALANCE!

September 24 - Balance

'Just as nature needs balance, people need balance'.

'A human being is multidimensional. A human doing however is more like a drawn line than a faceted gem'.

So what exactly is a balanced life anyway?

Is it a life that has a even mix of work, rest and play? (Now I feel like a Mars Bar LOL). 

A balance of internal and external influences? 

Or is it more of feeling that you aren't being pulled more towards one element of your life than the other? and not necessarily about dedicating the exact same amount of portions of time to each?

I think that it varies for each individual.

For me personally I believe balance is about having harmony within and being free from the need to control or 'handle' anything in life - accepting everything 'just is'.  I think that if we balance the internal there will be nothing to handle on the outside as the external is just a reflection of the internal. 

And that right there...

Is the reason I find balance so hard to maintain as my 'external' over powers the 'internal'. 

I am working on it though and realising that 'things' don't have to be perfectly symmetrical or alphabetised in order for me to be able to 'breathe' and 'function' - I can still do that even if things aren't aesthetically perfect.  

The scheduling side of things however...what can I say, I thrive on routine!  Unfortunately though, lately life has been throwing curve balls at me that have pretty much turned my structure upside down...but again - I'm still alive!  Admittedly feeling a little frazzled, but nothing a little OCD cleaning and organisation frenzy won't fix.

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