Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Some big news...


As of November 2016, I will be a university student again, studying a Bachelor of Naturopathy.

I am so excited and nervous all at the same time.

Excited because it's something I am passionate about and it blends in well with my massage modality and because I love learning new things.

Nervous because I can remember how stressful studying was in the past and my life hasn't exactly been smooth sailing of late AND I've chosen to take it on part-time for the next...wait for it...8 years!  I will be 50 when I graduate - Holy Heck it still spins me out!  Mark took great pleasure tonight in telling me that Ace will be 21 the year I finish...um hello, not helpful LOL!

I discussed it and thought about it and discussed it and thought about it and figured, why not!

Actually I have been doing that for nearly a year now.  I was all set to start in March this year but hit a wall with the funding stuff because I'm still not an Australian Citizen (that will change soon).  Anyway I got around to following it up a couple of months ago and after a lot of nightmarish document follow up, I was approved...synchronicity at work I think.  As they say timing is everything, if I had of started when I was supposed to with everything on my plate the way it has been - I wouldn't of coped.  Whilst things haven't completely settled down I am dealing with it all and know that I have an amazing support  network behind me.

My health was a big factor to consider but I told the university all about it and I can get support for exemptions for when they finally book me in to have my op.

The 8 year thing was scary as it seems like a lifetime away but look at how fast time flies AND there is an option for me to take on additional subjects if I want to fast track.  But doing it part time allows me to still be able to work and support my family.

I chose to start in November as my first lot of exams won't be until the end of February 2017 which means I can get my baby boy settled into high school.  By then we should also have some clear direction about the court case (unless of course a certain someone keeps pulling out all the stops to stall things to suit herself),  and in the meantime I can do some enabling workbooks as a refresher.

Another good thing is that for the first year I will be able to do most of the course work online.  After that though I will need to travel into the big smoke for 12 hours a week.   It won't be too much of a hassle though as the university is pretty much right near Melbourne Central Station.

So anyway I figured why not...time to do something now that will benefit me in the future no point putting my life on hold for what if's and maybes...will worry about all that stuff when the time comes to worry about it.

I have been thinking though that I really do need to quit smoking OR maybe I will be the one to invent a naturopathic remedy that truly works ;)  In all seriousness though I quite often feel like a hypocrite,  but at least I admit it and am aware of it I guess and am actually trying to do something about it.  Enough about that though.

So yeah...that's my big news.  I'm looking forward to a new chapter being written.

So excited! So nervous!  Omgoodness the butterflies keep making me need to pee LOL!

1 comment:

  1. You're one crazy Sheila. (That's Aussie for woman)hahaha 😁
    Yes, give up smoking, better for your health, and makes what you believe in natropathy believable to others. Now in saying that, I know it's not easy but you are an amazingly strong woman who, I know, can do what you determine to do. In other words, do it for you. I love that you are ready and willing to give anything a go. YOU CAN DO IT!
    Love and prayers, Deb!xox


I welcome all messages and comments that are positive and encouraging. If however you do have some criticism please make sure that it is constructive rather than destructive. Much Love, Light and Peace XOXO Tash!