Sunday, September 4, 2016

In touch with a power greater than oneself...

"Those who lose dreaming are lost" - Australian Aboriginal Proverb.

"I admit I don't know it all yet.  Learning comes in many forms".

A logical and rational mind is a good thing to have, but we also need to allow ourselves the freedom to contemplate that which is outside of our own rationale; so that we can learn, grow and expand our reality outside of ourselves: to connect with the process of the universe that allows us to weave dreams.

Obviously the first thought that comes into my mind with regards to the above mentioned, is my recent new adventure into the exploration of scriptures in the bible.  Whilst my Mum thinks it will turn me into a "bible basher", I believe that it will expand upon that which I already hold true in my heart and provide a deeper level of spiritual connection. 

But, if I take Marks view of my pagan beliefs and mix it with Mums view of my scripture reading I shall then be an "Overtly sexualised goat slaying pentagram wearing bible basher".

I know that there are other areas within my life that I could talk about how this relates to also but to be honest, now all I have running through my head is.....

An image of myself wearing nothing but a pentagram, dancing with a tribe of other naked sexualised beings, around a raging fire which encases a slaughtered goat tethered to a maypole, chanting psalms from the bible, to the beat of a deer hide drum under the light of the full moon.

Hahahahaha omgoodness its just so funny, I crack myself up. I have completely lost my rational mind right now!

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