Thursday, September 22, 2016

Meditation - September 19th to 22nd...

September 19 - Being Present To The Moment

'I rejoice in the moment of total oneness. For in that moment, I am truly myself both within and beyond.'

The bird stops amidst the chaos
But it takes no notice of the hustle and bustle
In which the human race endures

Its attention focused only upon the sweet nectar
Which is before it
The beauty of nature
So often neglected

This was written on the 6th of Feb 2009 in the courtyard of an eclectic little cafe here in Bacchus Marsh called ‘Baby Black’.

How wonderful it is when we fully immerse ourselves in the NOW moment, completely surrendering to the magical moment that it is.  Experiencing a oneness with our Higher Power and the process of the universe.

So often, I find myself doing something but thinking about something else in the process and have to give myself a gentle reminder to 'BE PRESENT' to 'FOCUS ON THE NOW'. 

What a difference it makes to the task at hand when I do that.  Not only does it get my full undivided attention but I also find that I feel more at peace, still within. Even if it may feel arduous, mundane, trivial but I am thankful for it, thankful for the amazing opportunity to be experiencing it and living it at the moment in time.

September 20 - Control / Courage

'I always thought it true courage to suffer.  Now I see that just being alive is a special kind of bravery'.

This meditation spoke of having courage to let go of our need for control.

I struggle with this one A LOT but this year I have had to surrender to it and guess what...I'm still here, my world hasn't fallen down around me!

I have learn't that facing my feelings and not being strong and staying in control of the moment as scary as it can be at the time, isn't always a sign of weakness but in fact of true courage.   

September 21 - Clarity

'Clarity is the counterbalance of profound thoughts' - Luc de Clapiers

How often do you 'know' but not express for fear of not fitting in with society?  For being thought of as odd, or weird?

I know that I am guilty of doing this, of keeping my mouth shut so not to be questioned about 'how I knew'?  'where I heard it from?''s awkward to try and explain that it was just an internal knowing, a clarity of my own instinctual thoughts.

I believe all of us have a level of 'knowing', some are just more in touch with it than others.  Maybe they decided to shut it off for the reason mentioned above.

There was a time I allowed myself to be more open to my own 'clarity' but it got to much to deal with so I shut off the tap.  Recently though I have allowed it to once again flow and more often than not I express it, although only with those I know I can trust and that are open to it.

'My 'gut' is usually never wrong' - these are words that my close friends and family have heard me say quite often and more often than not, it's not.

Stop seeking the answers from outside of yourself and have faith in your own internal knowing and know, and you know you know!

"If we are present in the moment, have the courage to let go of our need to control, clarity will be gained". - Natasha Hurst 2016

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