Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Reaching Our Limits..

September 12 - Reaching Our Limits

"Every human being has limits, and I am a human being."

So today's meditation spoke of being smart enough to know our limits before crossing them and that those who don't, subconsciously see stopping before reaching a limit as weakness or inadequacy.

I don't know about you, but I'm definitely one of those people who cross over the line before finally announcing out loud that I'm done, that I've reached my limit, that I've had enough!  I don't however see this as me not stopping because of a weakness or fear of failure.  I see it as a potential for growth.

How do we really know what our limits are unless we reach them? And, what if we are actually able to push past them?  Stopping before them seems like we would be potentially limiting our possibilities.  

I am thinking though, that there does need to be a balance (there's that word again) and that maybe we need to ask ourselves some questions to help us determine whether reaching that point where it is too much, where it knocks us down rather than lifts us up, is actually worth reaching.  Although even getting knocked down is a lesson in itself.

Does it fulfill a life purpose? Assist in reaching our life goals?  Are we doing it out of want, need, a feeling of obligation?  Being able to get clear answers on those would enable us see whether or not what we were pursuing is worth continuing with; thus letting us call it before reaching a point that it's just all too much to deal with, where it's no longer worth it.  Mind you, I think you would of asked yourself those questions before starting out on whatever it was that was getting too much in the first place, wouldn't you?  Perhaps its more about reassessment.  So often we get swept away in what we are consumed by, that before we know it that line has been crossed.  As shitty as it can feel in that moment, I don't think it is a bad thing to get to that point though.  Everything we go through is a life lesson that gives us the ability to grow.

In saying that though, I do think that if we find ourselves reaching our limits continuously on the same thing then we need to ask ourselves why we keep repeating the same pattern, making the same mistakes and then stop ourselves going down that path again.

What do you think?  Do you think we need to reach that point in order to learn?  Or do you think the smarter, wiser thing would be to stop before reaching that point?

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