Sunday, September 4, 2016


Today's Meditation For Woman Who Do Too Much is...

September 4 - Learning

"Patterns of the past echo in the present and resound through the future". - Dhyani Ywahoo

My belief is that we are here on this earth in order to learn that which we need to know. 

I believe that everything happens for a reason and that everyone who enters our lives does so for a reason - to LEARN!

What exactly are we supposed to learn? I guess it depends on what we need to know!

I know that I am learning new things every single day whether it be from mistakes I make, new adventures I embark upon or new people I meet. I also know, that I still have so much to learn and there is still so much, I want to learn.

Learning creates awareness, giving clarity to experiences in life. These experiences need to be understood – translated in a way that helps all areas of life to flow, therefore providing the ability to utilize the potential around you. 

With Learning comes the attainment of Knowledge, this is the first step to realising your true self.

This knowledge must then be used and applied to life regularly before it can become Wisdom.

It seems as though synchronicity is at play today as my friend Mel posted the above quote on her instagram page today with the following question in the description. 

What are you learning today? 

What a great question! 

Today I learnt that two men from completely different backgrounds, who have completely different parenting styles, and who are completely different in so many other ways CAN work together and love the same people, albeit differently. 

Oh I also learnt that just because the house isn't perfectly OCD clean because I've been out in the garden for the weekend rather than inside the house - it won't fall down and I can survive! 

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